Hey Kasra, I also think the exercises you described here function to illuminate somewhat the workings of your own subconscious, so that you begin to be able to trust that intuition moving forward. In theory it can seem like *vibes* are not a solid compass for decision-making, but once you learn to have faith in your subconscious, you see that it tends to be dead-on a lot of the time. Thanks for this!

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Thanks for some more exercises to try sometime in the future when I'm 'ready' 😂

I do agree wholeheartedly with the perspective and strategy. It is, however, a very subtle and fuzzy line to navigate for me as I still have a very difficult time staying in a curious/less logical state while asking any kind of questions. My logical/problem solver mode kicks in hard and fast...which is only to show me where my work on acceptance and curiosity currently points. (keeps repeating mantra: "thank you difficulty, you are my teacher."😅)

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I lovedddd this post! Nuggets of gold in here. Thanks for sharing

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