I am a high schooler

I just got curious and started reading books

I started with Theology

And then science and history sociology and psychology

I became so addicted that I could not stop

I wanted all knowledge

But then I realised humans have limited knowledge till now which is constantly expanding

Then I tried to know how many subjects are there

How can I categorise all human knowledge

At one place

Then I searched for it I got to know about library science

How they classify all human knowledge

I got curious

I googled it and that said that there are nearly 120 million books and internet data Is also there

How they classified all of this in some finite classes

I mean since human knowledge is vast but limited for now so this is possible to classify all Human knowledge

But I am curious that How much time

It take to do it

And what is the exact process of doing it

Do they read index and summary of all 120 million books and make a classification table

How exactly it's all done

Also new discoveries are taking place

How they update their table

Are these tables complete atleast when they are published

Can I call them complete and detailed

Is there such thing I complete classification of all fields of knowledge

Atleast for that moment when new discoveries are left uncategorised

Dewey decimal classification

Universal decimal classification

10 pillers of human knowledge

Propaedia outline of knowledge

Do they cover all human knowledge I mean all subjects and fields

Without leaving anything

Atleast when they are revised and published

Or can I say that

They cover everything


Leaving some concepts

Here and there


Which are not a discipline in itself

Context free information


They covers trunk all branches of knowledge tree But leave the leaves that are small topics behind

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lovely to hear about your exploration – you're asking all the right questions!

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Well then help me

You are senior to me ,

Please 🙏

Will appreciate your time and effort

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This was almost therapeutic to read. I struggled with the same kind of reductionism in college and I’d always find myself running in circles, frustrated that I didn’t understand the “underpinnings” of anything I studied. I too had an obsession with order and the idea of the knowledge-gaining process being nonlinear was something I categorically rejected. It took me a long time to appreciate the “cluster and connect” approach of building up knowledge (eg locally learning in different areas and then connecting the dots). Thanks for the insightful post!

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thank you! totally get you on the running in circles thing. so glad this resonated.

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Super interesting thought provoking read!! I was never the person to need to understand any more than the bare minimum to understand something else but I always did admire people who wanted a deeper understanding

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